Sardar answers to teacher! November 01, 2013 16:12
Teacher: "What is common between JESUS, KRISHNA, RAM, GANDHI and BUDHA?" Sardar: "All are born on Government Holidays..!!
Read MoreCheap Date April 24, 2012 20:47
Worried that his son was spending too much money on dates, Little Johnny's Father asked how much his last date had cost. Little Johnny calculated a minute then replied, "Oh, about $15 or so I think." "Well," said his Father, "I'm proud of you for…
Read MoreMarketing Strategy April 23, 2012 21:08
Morris was a very successful marketing director. Sadly, his wife Shirley dies. At the cemetery, Morris's friends and family are appalled to see that the headstone reads: "Here lies Shirley, wife of Morris, MCIM, Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing and Marketing Director of Quality Marketing…
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